Private Gold 13 - Pyramid 3

Private Gold 13 - Pyramid 3

CAST: Alain DeLoin,Angelica Mirai,Bianca,David Perry ,Gabriella Bond,Gina Martha,Jean Yves LeCastel,Judith Penn,Julia Benvenuti,Nikki Anderson ,Philippe Dean,Philippe Soine,Richard Langin,Tania Russof ,Tikki.

While Colonel JNIKTAFAM is more concerned with screwing the young lieutenant than with following the trail of Elizabeth and Amria, who have managed to escape, William, Karim and the mercenaries launch an assault against the pyramid and its secret room where the ex-legionnaires lose control when faced with such luscious splendors. However, their boss, Bob Renard, and Karim, who turns out to be a traitor, don't see things the way William had planned ... But the Pyramid also holds unexpected demons who will come to the rescue ... Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Amira cross the desert to return to the pyramid where William is in grave danger. Don't miss the third and final part of "Pyramid," as always featuring the most beautiful actresses. The ending will come as a surprise ...

Size: 1471662080 bytes (1.37 GiB), duration: 01:45:32, avg.bitrate: 1859 kb/s

Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s

Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 608x368, 29.97 fps(r)

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